Saturday, October 1, 2011

You know something, Void?

There is something immensely satisfying about someone accepting your recommendation for a book or a movie. There is something very pleasant about a friend saying, "Hey, remember telling me to read The Scarlet Pimpernel? Well, I did." It's nice because it means that your friend actually listens to, and values, your opinion, enough to investigate the book or movie in question. But it is best of all when the friend becomes as fascinated with the story as you yourself were.
This has happened to me twice lately. My little brother and I are reading The Scarlet Pimpernel together; it's maybe the fourth time I've read this book, but for the Bug, it is the very first time. And he is most definitely fascinated. (I think the best part of reading this book with the Bug is allowing him to read some of the dialogue with me. That kid performs the most hilarious British accent I have ever accent, might I add, that is much better than anything I could do.)
I also got my sister-in-law to watch BBC's modern update of Sherlock Holmes. It had the unexpected title of Sherlock. It is indisputably, indubitably brilliant. (All three of those long words are awesome. I really like words.) She watched eighteen minutes of it and stopped, so that she could finish watching it later with her mother and husband. One recommendation: three people hooked. That is lovely.

I think I'll go outside now, and indulge my pyromaniac tendencies.

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