Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Good morning, Void.

I've been considering my reasons for beginning a blog. I suppose it's a sort of on-line journal. I've tried keeping a journal before. I even have one on my bookcase; it's very pretty, and barely used. I suspect I'll write on a blog more than I would write in a pretty journal. Because one doesn't technically write on blogs. One types. Much easier, I assure you, easier on the hand, easier on my patience (I can never write quickly enough to keep up with my thoughts). So, there you are.

I really do like the idea of a blog. I can simply type down whatever random thoughts stream through my head, share whatever was interesting about my day (whatever interested me about my day!), muse on books I'm reading. And words. Words are fabulous. Fabulous is an excellent word.
Publish Post


  1. Personally i like the word "terrific." Just say it. "terrific."

  2. "Awesome" and "cool" are my favorite words. Right now, when I read "Fabulous" I thought of you, saying to Christie, "Fabulous, dahling, just fabulous." :-)
